Occaisonal writer of software for and supporter of.
R-Comp itself is the most well-established company represented on this site, originally set up by a team of long standing Acorn users and developers to market the HTMLEdit range of Internet authoring software. The success of the original HTMLEdit has lead to the range of Internet tools on offer today, and has resulted in several general utilities and collections for all RiscOS users.
R-Comp has a comprehensive support and update system, with many upgrades being sent automatically to all registered customers, free of charge. If you need to know more, why not drop us an email, or phone us, and discuss your needs with a member of the team?
R-Comp itself is always looking for new tools and utilities, so if you've developed an application, or are interested in RiscOS programming, get in touch!
Check out the Email/News system, Messenger Pro
The Internet Suite,
As well as Grapevine, for instant internet communication